How did two midwives serve an entire nation, why didn’t Pharaoh punish them, and what reward did they receive?
Vayechi: Marital Harmony and the Divine Spirit
Vayigash: Growth From Hardship
Chanukah: The Feminine Side of Chanukah
Vayeshev: The Secret of Success
Vayishlach: The Master Solution
Vayetzei: The Reasons for Antisemitism
Toldot: Isaac’s Legacy
Chayei Sarah: The Historic Match
Vayeira: Fake Hospitality?
Lech Lecha: Renewal, Joy, and Progress
Noach: The Industrial Revolution of the Tower of Babel
Hakhel: A Once-in-Seven-Years Affair
Yom Kippur: Personalized Repentance
Rosh Hashana: Struggle and Success
Ki Setzei: A Chassidic Perspective on Women’s Rights
Shoftim: G-d’s Commando
Re’eh: Why is there Poverty in the World?
Ekev: Why Did Moses Break the Tablets?
V’eschanan: The Lesson of the Shema
Devarim: The Right Time for Rebuke
Matos Masei: Egoism or Altruism
Pinchas: A Challenging Relationship
Chukas: Moshe Hit the Rock. So What?
Be’haloscha: The End of the Chain?
Shavuos II (Bamidbar): What Does An Angel Look Like?
Shavuos (Bechukosai): “Beauty is Vain…” Really?
Behar (Lag Baomer): Rabbi Akiva’s Students – Lovers or Haters?
Kedoshim: Why Is Judaism Obsessed With Blessings?
Zachor: Arguing With Amalekites
Purim: Purim According to Kabbalah
Pekudei: How Were the Pyramids Built?
Elon Musk tweeted that aliens built them, the prevailing tradition is that the Israelites built them, and Egyptian scholars claim that Egyptians built them. But everyone is still amazed: how did they manage to move such heavy stones? And why couldn’t the Levites use the same technology in erecting the Tabernacle?
Siyum Harambam: Can I Master the Entire Torah?
Vayakhel: Donations, Demons and Wills
Ki Sisa: Jewish Hygiene
Tetzaveh: Haman’s Mistake
Terumah: Atonement or Elevation?
Mishpatim: Our Goal in Life
Yisro: Jungle or Orchard?
Beshalach: Gold Chasers and Grave Diggers
Bo: The Public Declaration
Va’era: Judaism’s Universal Message
Shemot: What Exercise Teaches Us
Vayechi: The Evil Eye
Chanukah: Why The Conflict?
Vayetzei: What Makes a Hero?
Vayishlach: When Success Breeds Humility
Toldot: Turning a New Leaf
Chayei Sarah: The Admission Test
Every new bride goes through an ‘admission test’ in her new family. In Abraham’s family, there was a very high bar. Rebecca was accepted into the family only when she managed to bring several miracles into her home: A Cloud of Glory, a growing dough, and a candle that wouldn’t go out. What do those miracles represent?
Vayigash: Pay Attention
Lech-Lecha: Why Is a Jewish Lifestyle so Expensive?
Noach: When Noah Didn’t Argue
When G-d tells Noah that he plans to destroy humanity, Noah does not pound on the table and demand mercy. Why? Why didn't he act like Moses, who pounded on the table and prevented the Children of Israel from being punished?
A deeper reading will shed light on Noah's reasoning and teach us how to judge others.
Tishrei: The Journey of the Holidays
Why a Leap Year?
Simchat Beit Hashoevah – The importance of tradition
Ki Teitze: Judaism and Polygamy?
Ekev: Must I Do Everything Myself
Va’etchanan: Are You Emotional or Intellectual?
Tisha B’av: Rejoicing in Tragedy
Menachem-Av: Solace Through Yearning
Pinchas: How to Deal with Bias
Chukat: Dealing With Resentment
Gimmel Tammuz – Korach: Don’t Abandon Ship
Shelach: Statistics and Free Will
Naso: Be Smart and Apologize!
Shavuot: The Anatomy of a Custom
Emor: High Court on the Dock
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Why Did They Cry?
Pesach: Four Questions for Life
On Passover eve, we all gather around the Seder table and turn our attention to the children’s recital of the Four Questions. These Questions are not just children’s play. They have deep meaning and relevance for every person’s life. The following pages contain a new and original interpretation for the ancient and beloved text.
Vayikra: How Many Times Could You Ask?
Vayakhel-Pekudei: Between Right and Right
Ki Tisa: Broken Tablets: An Achievement?
Tetzaveh: Archaeology vs. Tradition
Terumah: The Power of the Palpable
Mishpatim: Reincarnation Can Define Your Life’s Mission
Yitro: Leadership of Love
Beshalach: The Emphasis on Women
Bo: Why Do Rabbis Make Rules?
Throughout Jewish history, the rabbis have enacted takanot, or Rabbinic ordinances, to safeguard Jewish observance. Shabbat begins at sundown? The sages extend it by eighteen minutes. The evening Shema must be recited by sunrise? The rabbis said midnight.
Where did they learn this behavior? Why are the Torah’s commands not enough?
Va’era: Jewish Genius
Vayechi: Sibling Rivalry
Joseph brings his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, to be blessed by Jacob before his demise. Jacob surprises them by putting his right hand on Ephraim, the younger son, and his left hand on Manasseh, the older one. Joseph jumps in to correct the mistake. But what exactly bothered him? What was so wrong about Jacob’s choice? A lesson about education, sibling rivalry, and honoring parents.
Shemot: The Advisors’ Dilemma
Vayigash: Who Taught Joseph Tolerance?
Joseph lived in a very unforgiving world. People weren’t as tolerant of other nations and other religions like today. Even the forefathers, who preached G-d’s word to the world, preferred to be shepherds, where they wouldn’t be forced to engage with the basest elements of idol-worshiping society. Yet Joseph was fully immersed in their world, and in fact, he was personally responsible for the...
Mikeitz: The Correct Form of Punishment
Vayeshev: Faith vs. Initiative
Yosef was sent to prison where he met Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker. He asked for their assistance in securing his release, and in response, Hashem punished him with two more years of imprisonment. Yet those two ministers were instrumental -- by Hashem’s design -- in Yosef’s ultimate release. How does this make sense?
Vayishlach: A Mother’s Dedication
Yaakov asked his son Yosef to inter him in the Cave of Machpelah. He took the opportunity to explain why he buried his mother on the road near Beit Lechem instead of bringing her to the Cave of Machpelah - so that the children of Israel on their way into exile would pray at her gravesite and ask her to intercede on their behalf. But why should Yosef come to terms with his mother’s loneliness? How...
Vayetze: Humans and Angels; Who Needs Whom?
Toldos: Faith in G-d – On Whose Account?
Chayei Sarah: Does G-d Really Pay Attention?
7 Cheshvan: Dry Jew or Rainfall?
The holidays of Tishrei precede the fall months when fields need rainfall. Nonetheless, our Sages delayed the prayer for rain until the last traveling pilgrims would arrive home safely. But why does one Jew’s comfort override the critical need for rainfall?
A powerful lesson in the importance of Ahavat Yisrael, and how deeply it can impact a person.
Vayera: A Leader to All
Lech Lecha: Why is it Difficult to Fulfill Mitzvot?
Bereishit: Feminine Power – Talking directly to Eve would have changed the world
The Sin of the Tree of Knowledge is the spiritual source of all sins throughout history, and it could have all been avoided through direct talk with Eve. When Hashem gave the Torah to the Jewish people, He changed His approach; He sent Moses to speak to the women first. What does this teach us about men?