
Vayeshev: The Secret of Success


Betrayed by his brothers as a boy, abused by his master and let down by those close to him, he keeps on smiling, helping others, and eventually saves the world! What is his secret?

Vayishlach: The Master Solution


What trait can help us become close to G-d, reach a deep understanding of the Torah, improve our personal and work relationships, and contribute to every facet of life?

Vayetzei: The Reasons for Antisemitism


From the time of Laban the Aramaean, to Haman and Ahasuerus, and all the way down the the present, we have suffered from antisemites who attempt to harm us. Why do they hate us? And how should we respond?

Toldot: Isaac’s Legacy


Our forefather Abraham introduced the concept of monotheism and hospitality. Jacob's legacy was the 12 tribes of Israel. But what was Isaac's legacy?

Chayei Sarah: The Historic Match


Abraham sent his servant Eliezer to find a wife for his son Isaac. When Eliezer arrived at his destination he prayed to G-d and was promptly answered. A comparison with prayers of Moses and King Solomon reveals that Eliezer the servant was answered quicker. Why?

Vayeira: Fake Hospitality?


Abraham hosted G-d Himself in his tent. When he saw three passing Arabs, he asked G-d to wait while he welcomes and cares for them. Only later did he reveal that his guests were in fact angels in disguise… Did Abraham keep G-d waiting for a fake mitzvah?
An original analysis of the Biblical story

Noach: The Industrial Revolution of the Tower of Babel


The builders of the Tower of Babel invented bricks, thereby revolutionizing construction. Pharoah later used the same techniques for the building of the pyramids. Are the two great construction projects related?
History, Incarnations and education

Yom Kippur: Personalized Repentance


During the High Holidays we read the exhortations to repentance of the prophets Hosea, Isaiah, and Jonah. Are they all discussing the same repentance, or are there different types of repentance for different people?
An address about repentance and what type of repentance is right for me.

Shoftim: G-d’s Commando


The tribe of Levi is G-d’s “special unit,” tasked with teaching G-d’s ways to the public. Did you know that nowadays this service isn’t restricted to those born into the tribe of Levi, and is open to volunteers?

Re’eh: Why is there Poverty in the World?


Poverty is humiliating, and creates social inequality. Why does poverty exist? Why doesn’t G-d give everyone their needs without them having to rely on others’ kindness? A class on the purpose of poverty and wealth, with life lessons for both the wealthy and poor.

Ekev: Why Did Moses Break the Tablets?


What does the shattering of the tablets have to do with the death of the righteous? Did the letters fly off the stone before Moses broke them? An original perspective on the shattering of the tablets and its contemporary relevance.

V’eschanan: The Lesson of the Shema


Every morning and evening we read two passages, shema and vehaya im shamoa. What are the different lessons of these two passages? And how does this relate to the critical question of who is responsible for educating our children - the school or the parents?

Matos Masei: Egoism or Altruism


Just before entering the Land of Israel, a drama unfolds: Two tribes prefer to remain outside. Why? How does Moses respond? And why does he add more people to their group?

Chukas: Moshe Hit the Rock. So What?


The great leader who took the Jewish people out of Egypt, gave them the Ten Commandments, and led them to the entrance of the Promised Land, was punished to die in the desert just because he hit the rock. How is this fair?



There is an old technique to help remember things: to tie a knot.
Jewish tradition says that Pharaoh’s ministers did so, and so did the sages of the Mishnah. Even today, Jews tie knots every day in order to remember.
Why does a knot prevent forgetfulness? And did G-d do so Himself?

Zachor: Arguing With Amalekites


Haman, the “star” of Purim, is a descendant of the Amalekites, the focus of the Torah reading on the Shabbat preceding Purim.
Who are they? What do they signify? And how do we overcome them?

Purim: Purim According to Kabbalah


How did Haman persuade King Achashverosh to annihilate the Jews? Why did G-d agree? And what was the turning point that changed the course of the story?
The Kabbalistic underpinnings of the Purim Story.

Pekudei: How Were the Pyramids Built?


Elon Musk tweeted that aliens built them, the prevailing tradition is that the Israelites built them, and Egyptian scholars claim that Egyptians built them. But everyone is still amazed: how did they manage to move such heavy stones? And why couldn’t the Levites use the same technology in erecting the Tabernacle?

Ki Sisa: Jewish Hygiene


The coronavirus raised awareness for proper hygiene. In fact, in the Tabernacle in the desert over three thousand years ago, the priest would wash his hands and feet before beginning the holy service.
What is spiritual hygiene? And why should the women be in charge?

Mishpatim: Our Goal in Life


Humans like to strive for perfection. However, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the first Chabad Rebbe, wrote an entire book about reaching the level of a ‘beinoni,’ commonly translated as ‘mediocre.’
What exactly did he mean?

Bo: The Public Declaration


The Egyptians who revered cattle as deities, but they were remarkably tolerant of the Jewish tradition of eating meat. But when the Jews slaughtered the sheep for the Paschal offering, they went berserk. What happened?

Vayechi: The Evil Eye


Is there significance to the day of the week I was born? Does Judaism believe in the Evil Eye? Is there a safe zone?

Chanukah: Why The Conflict?


The Greeks are known for the tremendous wisdom they contributed to the world. The Jewish people, for time immemorial, cherished intellect and the pursuit of wisdom as well. Why then, couldn’t we get along?

Vayetzei: What Makes a Hero?


The Zohar’s story about Abraham, Rashi’s story about Jacob, and the Rebbe’s story about Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. What do the stories have in common? And what was the common denominator which made them eternal Jewish heroes?

Vayishlach: When Success Breeds Humility


What causes people to be magnanimous? What’s the right way to handle success? When the first Chabad Rebbe bested his opponents and achieved legitimacy for the new Chassidic movement, he wrote a letter to his followers which set their priorities straight.

Toldot: Turning a New Leaf


The Talmud states that three categories of people are absolved of all their sins: the newly married, the newly appointed leader, and the newly appointed ‘sage.’
Why? Is this absolution attainable for ordinary people?
Life-lessons from Esau, Rabbi Ze’irah, and Israel’s third president.

Chayei Sarah: The Admission Test


Every new bride goes through an ‘admission test’ in her new family. In Abraham’s family, there was a very high bar. Rebecca was accepted into the family only when she managed to bring several miracles into her home: A Cloud of Glory, a growing dough, and a candle that wouldn’t go out. What do those miracles represent?

Vayigash: Pay Attention


Prophecies, omens, and science. What is the Jewish view? Should we read into the random occurrences in our lives? Should we view scientific advances as questioning our faith? And, by the way — is it possible to jump to the moon?

Noach: When Noah Didn’t Argue


When G-d tells Noah that he plans to destroy humanity, Noah does not pound on the table and demand mercy. Why? Why didn't he act like Moses, who pounded on the table and prevented the Children of Israel from being punished?

A deeper reading will shed light on Noah's reasoning and teach us how to judge others.

Tishrei: The Journey of the Holidays


The commitment of Rosh Hashanah, the emotional connection of Yom Kippur, and the intellectual integration of Simchat Torah: This map was outlined by the Tzemach Tzedek, recounted by the previous Rebbe, and explained by the Rebbe.

Why a Leap Year?


This coming year is going to be a Jewish Leap Year. How do these leap years work? Why are they instituted? And what does it say about the Jews?
An astrological journey in the heavens, its impact on the Jewish calendar, and the Jewish soul.

Pinchas: How to Deal with Bias


How objective are you? How much bias is involved in your decision-making process? And what lesson can we learn from the challenge of Tzelafchad’s five daughters to Moses?

Chukat: Dealing With Resentment


There are times when we are offended by the words or actions of others. We don’t seek revenge, and when asked, we even forgive. But the bitter grudge remains. How can we free our hearts of those negative impulses?

Shelach: Statistics and Free Will


Experts attempt to predict people’s future behavior through statistics. Does that mean you are just a statistic? Do you have the free will to make your own decisions or are you just a cog in the machine?
Join this ancient Jewish debate.

Naso: Be Smart and Apologize!


G-d warned Adam that he would die if he ate from the Tree of Knowledge. Yet he lived to the ripe old age of 930!
What happened? And how was it connected to the Tabernacle in the desert?

Shavuot: The Anatomy of a Custom


In the early common era, people were accustomed to greeting each other by invoking G-d’s name. Why did they do so? Why is it no longer customary?
A fascinating look into the Jewish reactions to idolatry, Christianity and Islam.

Emor: High Court on the Dock


The prophet Elijah delivers a scathing rebuke to the High Court, the group of the most respected elders of Israel. Their crime? They failed to wander through the shtetls and teach Jewish children.

Pesach: Four Questions for Life


On Passover eve, we all gather around the Seder table and turn our attention to the children’s recital of the Four Questions. These Questions are not just children’s play. They have deep meaning and relevance for every person’s life. The following pages contain a new and original interpretation for the ancient and beloved text.

Terumah: The Power of the Palpable


Abraham planted cedars in Beer-Sheba, Jacob transplanted them to Egypt, and the Israelites took them along into the desert.
Why were we dragging cedars for four-hundred years? And what does it tell us about “being Jewish at heart”?

Yitro: Leadership of Love


Some religious leaders speak derogatorily about others. How did G-d respond to such behavior? What did Rabbi Eliezer do when faced with a similar situation? What did the Rebbe say?

Bo: Why Do Rabbis Make Rules?


Throughout Jewish history, the rabbis have enacted takanot, or Rabbinic ordinances, to safeguard Jewish observance. Shabbat begins at sundown? The sages extend it by eighteen minutes. The evening Shema must be recited by sunrise? The rabbis said midnight.
Where did they learn this behavior? Why are the Torah’s commands not enough?

Va’era: Jewish Genius


Until two hundred years ago, eighty percent of the world’s population was illiterate. The statistic among the Jewish population was the opposite: Eighty percent could read and write. How can we explain the difference? Insight into the age-old Jewish approach to education.

Vayechi: Sibling Rivalry


Joseph brings his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, to be blessed by Jacob before his demise. Jacob surprises them by putting his right hand on Ephraim, the younger son, and his left hand on Manasseh, the older one. Joseph jumps in to correct the mistake. But what exactly bothered him? What was so wrong about Jacob’s choice? A lesson about education, sibling rivalry, and honoring parents.

Shemot: The Advisors’ Dilemma


When Pharaoh suggested to drown the newborns, what were his advisors to do? Object and face the consequences, or agree and work with the circumstances?
When faced with a moral dilemma, do you make do with the situation or take a principled stand?
A fascinating lesson from Bilaam, Job and Jethro.

Vayigash: Who Taught Joseph Tolerance?


Joseph lived in a very unforgiving world. People weren’t as tolerant of other nations and other religions like today. Even the forefathers, who preached G-d’s word to the world, preferred to be shepherds, where they wouldn’t be forced to engage with the basest elements of idol-worshiping society. Yet Joseph was fully immersed in their world, and in fact, he was personally responsible for the...

Mikeitz: The Correct Form of Punishment


Torah delineates a variety of punishments and penalizations, but imprisonment is not among them. Torah describes Joseph’s incarceration as a feature of the Egyptian ‘judicial system’ – not as a recommendation. In Torah law, prison is not mentioned at all.

Vayeshev: Faith vs. Initiative


Yosef was sent to prison where he met Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker. He asked for their assistance in securing his release, and in response, Hashem punished him with two more years of imprisonment. Yet those two ministers were instrumental -- by Hashem’s design -- in Yosef’s ultimate release. How does this make sense?

Vayishlach: A Mother’s Dedication


Yaakov asked his son Yosef to inter him in the Cave of Machpelah. He took the opportunity to explain why he buried his mother on the road near Beit Lechem instead of bringing her to the Cave of Machpelah - so that the children of Israel on their way into exile would pray at her gravesite and ask her to intercede on their behalf. But why should Yosef come to terms with his mother’s loneliness? How...

Toldos: Faith in G-d – On Whose Account?


Our Sages command us to honor the Shabbat and promise that the costs won’t be included in our destined portion for the year. But there is a caveat: If you have no assets, don’t go into debt. Why can’t we borrow with the power of our faith in G-d?

Chayei Sarah: Does G-d Really Pay Attention?


What is the Jewish approach to understanding G-d’s involvement in the world? Is He involved in every detail, or is He only interested in the ‘important’ things? The Rambam, the Baal Shem Tov, and the first Chabad Rebbe chime in.

7 Cheshvan: Dry Jew or Rainfall?


The holidays of Tishrei precede the fall months when fields need rainfall. Nonetheless, our Sages delayed the prayer for rain until the last traveling pilgrims would arrive home safely. But why does one Jew’s comfort override the critical need for rainfall?
A powerful lesson in the importance of Ahavat Yisrael, and how deeply it can impact a person.

Vayera: A Leader to All


What is the responsibility of a pious individual among sinners? A deeper look at three of our most famous ancestors, Noach, Avraham and Moshe.

Chanukah: Have the Winners Been Declared?


We all love to celebrate Chanukah, the holiday which marks our victory over the Syrian Greeks and the miracle of the oil. Did you know that it took the sages a full year to decide whether they were victorious?
Behind the scenes in the Chanukah story.

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