
3 Tammuz: Don’t Abandon Ship


Why was Moses buried in the desert? Why are the Chabad Rebbes buried in the Diaspora? A fascinating mystical discussion about the responsibilities of Jewish leaders and how they continue to tend to their communities—even after their passing.

Gimmel Tammuz: The Ultimate Test


Historically, our nation's most transformative moments came as a result of persecution.
In this foundational discourse, the Rebbe explains how today's freedoms set the stage for Judaism's most consequential test.

Pesach: Will These Dry Bones Live?


The Passover Haftarah relates an incredible vision of redemption: people rising from their graves, and a lamb and a wolf relaxing together. How and when will this happen? Has anything like this happened in the past? And what is Queen Cleopatra's connection to this?

Yom Kippur: Personalized Repentance


During the High Holidays we read the exhortations to repentance of the prophets Hosea, Isaiah, and Jonah. Are they all discussing the same repentance, or are there different types of repentance for different people?
An address about repentance and what type of repentance is right for me.

Pesach: Security Measures


The world around us is tumultuous and turbulent. Terrorism in Israel, the war in Europe and divisions in societies around the world evoke feelings of fear and anxiety. What can we do about it?

During the Plague of the Firstborn, blood on doorposts protected the Jews. What its modern day version?

Zachor: Arguing With Amalekites


Haman, the “star” of Purim, is a descendant of the Amalekites, the focus of the Torah reading on the Shabbat preceding Purim.
Who are they? What do they signify? And how do we overcome them?

Purim: Purim According to Kabbalah


How did Haman persuade King Achashverosh to annihilate the Jews? Why did G-d agree? And what was the turning point that changed the course of the story?
The Kabbalistic underpinnings of the Purim Story.

Why a Leap Year?


This coming year is going to be a Jewish Leap Year. How do these leap years work? Why are they instituted? And what does it say about the Jews?
An astrological journey in the heavens, its impact on the Jewish calendar, and the Jewish soul.

Ki Teitze: Judaism and Polygamy?


When was polygamy banned in Judaism? Who didn’t agree? Why was the initiator known as “Light of the Exile”?
The history of Rabbeinu Gershom’s landmark enactments and their kabbalistic significance.

Shavuot: The Anatomy of a Custom


In the early common era, people were accustomed to greeting each other by invoking G-d’s name. Why did they do so? Why is it no longer customary?
A fascinating look into the Jewish reactions to idolatry, Christianity and Islam.

Pesach: Four Questions for Life


On Passover eve, we all gather around the Seder table and turn our attention to the children’s recital of the Four Questions. These Questions are not just children’s play. They have deep meaning and relevance for every person’s life. The following pages contain a new and original interpretation for the ancient and beloved text.

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