
Yitro: Why Was Moses Reluctant to Delegate?


Jethro comes for a visit and suggests that Moses delegate authority to judges; otherwise, he will collapse under the burden. Did Moses not realize this himself? The fascinating difference between the approaches of Moses and Jethro—and G-d’s surprising decision.

Vayishlach: Kidnapped Jewish Children


A historic Chassidic discourse addressed the kidnapping of Jewish children and their forced draft into the Russian army for 25 years of service. The Rebbe explores the contemporary lesson from this tragic episode.

Simchat Torah: The Shofar of Love


The prophets of Israel prophesied about the shofars that will herald the coming of the Messiah. The Rebbe explains that these shofar blasts were expressed by the terrible world wars on the one hand, and the victory of the Six Day War on the other hand. A fascinating exploration of the deeper meaning of the shofar blasts and their role in preparation humankind for the upcoming redemption.

Shoftim: Do Not Fear?


During Israel's War of Attrition, Moshe Dayan exhorted the troops not to be afraid, citing the Torah verse "Do not fear." The Rebbe highlights the end of the verse, which tells us why we should not fear.

3 Tammuz: Don’t Abandon Ship


Why was Moses buried in the desert? Why are the Chabad Rebbes buried in the Diaspora? A fascinating mystical discussion about the responsibilities of Jewish leaders and how they continue to tend to their communities—even after their passing.

10 Shevat: The Seventh


The Rebbe's historic vision of our generation's mission and how to achieve it.
Excerpts from the Rebbe's monumental first address.

Chanukah: Why Chanukah?


Moses dedicated the Mishkan, Solomon dedicated the First Temple, but only the Hasmonean rededication became a festival we celebrate until today.

Tishrei: The Festive Journey


The High Holiday season is a fascinating train ride with multiple stops at critical stations to accumulate the energy, guidance and inspiration we need for the year. Come along for the ride!

Matos – Masei: Don’t Force it


Should you force the kids to go to synagogue?
Strict parenting might produce quick results, but guiding with the powers of persuasion is more effective and durable.
History proves it.

Chukat – Balak: The Talking Donkey


An angel is blocking Bilaam's way,
and his donkey rebukes him publicly.
Why all the drama?
A lesson about the meaning of punishment
and the importance of every individual.

Gimmel Tammuz: The Ultimate Test


Historically, our nation's most transformative moments came as a result of persecution.
In this foundational discourse, the Rebbe explains how today's freedoms set the stage for Judaism's most consequential test.

Naso: The Best Blessing


Can a blessing be too good?
Can a Divine gift be diverted?
If yes, is there any blessing that is impervious to all problems?

Pesach: Will These Dry Bones Live?


The Passover Haftarah relates an incredible vision of redemption: people rising from their graves, and a lamb and a wolf relaxing together. How and when will this happen? Has anything like this happened in the past? And what is Queen Cleopatra's connection to this?

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