During the High Holidays we read the exhortations to repentance of the prophets Hosea, Isaiah, and Jonah. Are they all discussing the same repentance, or are there different types of repentance for different people?
An address about repentance and what type of repentance is right for me.
We all have family customs that accompany each Jewish holiday which often occupy us more than the mitzvahs of the holiday themselves. Are we exaggerating? Have we lost the proper equilibrium?
When the Torah eulogizes Moses, it mentions the breaking of the Tablets as one of his greatest virtues. Doesn’t that seem ludicrous?
I have recently started using the Jewish Insights Parsha classes for my community and they are the best classes I have ever given. My community loves them, (zoom) attendance is going up, and they are extremely easy to use.
Over the years I have tried various weekly classes and nothing has come close to this.
I've been using the Jewish Insights classes and they are great. It takes approximately 45 minutes to prepare and you have a good, comprehensive, and interesting shiur.
Thank you so much for arranging this. It’s been a big hit and very geshmak to have this prepared so beautifully so we learn the Rebbes Torah with so many.
Hey, please can you pass on my thanks to whoever set up JewishInsights.org It's the perfect resource for me!
I began to present the lessons of Jewish Insights at my regular Tuesday night class, and it was a huge success. The advertisements drew in new participants -- Jews who are not very traditional -- and they very much enjoyed the discussions. I highly recommend these classes. Very refreshing!
I must compliment this new initiative of Jewish Insights. It was a sheer pleasure to sit with friends and study the Sicha regarding 7 Cheshvan. Everything is arranged and presented in an extraordinary way. Thank you to all those involved.
I presented a lesson from this material on zoom to my study group, and it was very successful. A lot of thought was put into the development and presentation. It brings the Rebbe’s words in their most authentic words, and the lesson is interesting and profound. The responses were really great.
I just want to say that Jewish Insights transformed my classes in a major way. Thank you to all who arranged it!