
Noach: When Noah Didn’t Argue


When G-d tells Noah that he plans to destroy humanity, Noah does not pound on the table and demand mercy. Why? Why didn't he act like Moses, who pounded on the table and prevented the Children of Israel from being punished?

A deeper reading will shed light on Noah's reasoning and teach us how to judge others.

Why a Leap Year?


This coming year is going to be a Jewish Leap Year. How do these leap years work? Why are they instituted? And what does it say about the Jews?
An astrological journey in the heavens, its impact on the Jewish calendar, and the Jewish soul.

Shelach: Statistics and Free Will


Experts attempt to predict people’s future behavior through statistics. Does that mean you are just a statistic? Do you have the free will to make your own decisions or are you just a cog in the machine?
Join this ancient Jewish debate.

Emor: High Court on the Dock


The prophet Elijah delivers a scathing rebuke to the High Court, the group of the most respected elders of Israel. Their crime? They failed to wander through the shtetls and teach Jewish children.

Pesach: Four Questions for Life


On Passover eve, we all gather around the Seder table and turn our attention to the children’s recital of the Four Questions. These Questions are not just children’s play. They have deep meaning and relevance for every person’s life. The following pages contain a new and original interpretation for the ancient and beloved text.

Terumah: The Power of the Palpable


Abraham planted cedars in Beer-Sheba, Jacob transplanted them to Egypt, and the Israelites took them along into the desert.
Why were we dragging cedars for four-hundred years? And what does it tell us about “being Jewish at heart”?

Yitro: Leadership of Love


Some religious leaders speak derogatorily about others. How did G-d respond to such behavior? What did Rabbi Eliezer do when faced with a similar situation? What did the Rebbe say?

Bo: Why Do Rabbis Make Rules?


Throughout Jewish history, the rabbis have enacted takanot, or Rabbinic ordinances, to safeguard Jewish observance. Shabbat begins at sundown? The sages extend it by eighteen minutes. The evening Shema must be recited by sunrise? The rabbis said midnight.
Where did they learn this behavior? Why are the Torah’s commands not enough?

Va’era: Jewish Genius


Until two hundred years ago, eighty percent of the world’s population was illiterate. The statistic among the Jewish population was the opposite: Eighty percent could read and write. How can we explain the difference? Insight into the age-old Jewish approach to education.

Shemot: The Advisors’ Dilemma


When Pharaoh suggested to drown the newborns, what were his advisors to do? Object and face the consequences, or agree and work with the circumstances?
When faced with a moral dilemma, do you make do with the situation or take a principled stand?
A fascinating lesson from Bilaam, Job and Jethro.

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