
3 Tammuz: Don’t Abandon Ship


Why was Moses buried in the desert? Why are the Chabad Rebbes buried in the Diaspora? A fascinating mystical discussion about the responsibilities of Jewish leaders and how they continue to tend to their communities—even after their passing.

Va’etchanan: Chasing the lost Ark


Was the Ark taken into captivity, or buried in a Temple Mount tunnel? What did the Rebbe say to someone searching for the Ark under the mountain?
A fascinating journey through history that sheds new light on the meaning of the Temple in our time.

Gimmel Tammuz: The Ultimate Test


Historically, our nation's most transformative moments came as a result of persecution.
In this foundational discourse, the Rebbe explains how today's freedoms set the stage for Judaism's most consequential test.

Pesach: Will These Dry Bones Live?


The Passover Haftarah relates an incredible vision of redemption: people rising from their graves, and a lamb and a wolf relaxing together. How and when will this happen? Has anything like this happened in the past? And what is Queen Cleopatra's connection to this?

Vayeshev: The Secret of Success


Betrayed by his brothers as a boy, abused by his master and let down by those close to him, he keeps on smiling, helping others, and eventually saves the world! What is his secret?

Vayishlach: The Master Solution


What trait can help us become close to G-d, reach a deep understanding of the Torah, improve our personal and work relationships, and contribute to every facet of life?

VAYETZEI: The Reasons for Antisemitism


From the time of Laban the Aramaean, to Haman and Ahasuerus, and all the way down the the present, we have suffered from antisemites who attempt to harm us. Why do they hate us? And how should we respond?

Toldot: Isaac’s Legacy


Our forefather Abraham introduced the concept of monotheism and hospitality. Jacob's legacy was the 12 tribes of Israel. But what was Isaac's legacy?

Chayei Sarah: The Historic Match


Abraham sent his servant Eliezer to find a wife for his son Isaac. When Eliezer arrived at his destination he prayed to G-d and was promptly answered. A comparison with prayers of Moses and King Solomon reveals that Eliezer the servant was answered quicker. Why?

Vayeira: Fake Hospitality?


Abraham hosted G-d Himself in his tent. When he saw three passing Arabs, he asked G-d to wait while he welcomes and cares for them. Only later did he reveal that his guests were in fact angels in disguise… Did Abraham keep G-d waiting for a fake mitzvah?
An original analysis of the Biblical story

Noach: The industrial revolution of the Tower of Babel


The builders of the Tower of Babel invented bricks, thereby revolutionizing construction. Pharoah later used the same techniques for the building of the pyramids. Are the two great construction projects related?
History, Incarnations and education



A rare, exciting and inspiring event, united the entire Jewish people in one place for an extraordinary experience. What’s the real story of the mitzvah of “Hakhel”, why is it so special, and is it still relevant today?

🌏 The lesson is available in Hebrew, English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Yom Kippur: Personalized Repentance


During the High Holidays we read the exhortations to repentance of the prophets Hosea, Isaiah, and Jonah. Are they all discussing the same repentance, or are there different types of repentance for different people?
An address about repentance and what type of repentance is right for me.

Shoftim: G-d’s Commando


The tribe of Levi is G-d’s “special unit,” tasked with teaching G-d’s ways to the public. Did you know that nowadays this service isn’t restricted to those born into the tribe of Levi, and is open to volunteers?

Re’eh: Why is there poverty in the world?


Poverty is humiliating, and creates social inequality. Why does poverty exist? Why doesn’t G-d give everyone their needs without them having to rely on others’ kindness? A class on the purpose of poverty and wealth, with life lessons for both the wealthy and poor.

Ekev: Why Did Moses Break the Tablets?


What does the shattering of the tablets have to do with the death of the righteous? Did the letters fly off the stone before Moses broke them? An original perspective on the shattering of the tablets and its contemporary relevance.

V’eschanan: The Lesson of the Shema


Every morning and evening we read two passages, shema and vehaya im shamoa. What are the different lessons of these two passages? And how does this relate to the critical question of who is responsible for educating our children - the school or the parents?



There is an old technique to help remember things: to tie a knot.
Jewish tradition says that Pharaoh’s ministers did so, and so did the sages of the Mishnah. Even today, Jews tie knots every day in order to remember.
Why does a knot prevent forgetfulness? And did G-d do so Himself?

Zachor: Arguing With Amalekites


Haman, the “star” of Purim, is a descendant of the Amalekites, the focus of the Torah reading on the Shabbat preceding Purim.
Who are they? What do they signify? And how do we overcome them?

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