Sefirat Haomer: De Pesaj a Shavuot

Subido el: April 14, 2023

Antes de la Pesaj, limpiamos nuestras casas de toda levadura. Sin embargo, solo unas pocas semanas después, el Jametz se convierte en el elemento más importante del servicio del Templo Sagrado. ¿Por qué la transformación? ¿Qué representa esto en el viaje del alma?

This week’s lesson is dedicated by Rabbi Gedalya & Bassie Shemtov in loving memory of Rabbi Binyomin Wolff Shliach of the Rebbe to Hanover, Germany. Yartzeit 1 Iyar 5780.

Part 1: The Post Passover Process

After Passover, Torah commands us to count seven weeks and then bring a special offering on Shavuot (source 1). This offering is specifically made of Chametz (source 2).

The Rebbe asks a basic question: If chametz was so terrible just a few weeks ago, how did it get promoted to being a sacrifice in the Holy Temple?!

Part 2: Humble Beginnings

As you surely learned over Passover, chametz represents ego while matzah represents humility (source 3). However, the Alter Rebbe adds something else: chametz represents rationalization, while matzah represents simple faith (source 4).

As the Rebbe explains in source 5, the Exodus took place as a sublime revelation which the people weren’t really ready to internalize. Therefore, as the Rebbe explains in Source 6 and in the Sicha that follows, they couldn’t consume chametz. Their ‘intellect’ wasn’t ready to agree. They needed to focus on the simple faith and observance, leaving their intellect for a later date.

Part 3: A Journey of Transformation

As the Rebbe explains, this is the basic journey of Passover to Shavuot. At the outset, we embrace G-d out of simple faith, eradicating all chametz, but after refining ourselves during the Omer Counting, we become ready to bring our intellect along, using our understanding to commit ourselves to G-d, making G-d’s will into our own.

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