Greenberg Mendel

AuthorMendel Greenberg

Gimmel Tammuz: The Ultimate Test


Historically, our nation's most transformative moments came as a result of persecution.
In this foundational discourse, the Rebbe explains how today's freedoms set the stage for Judaism's most consequential test.

Pesach: Will These Dry Bones Live?


The Passover Haftarah relates an incredible vision of redemption: people rising from their graves, and a lamb and a wolf relaxing together. How and when will this happen? Has anything like this happened in the past? And what is Queen Cleopatra's connection to this?

Vayeshev: The Secret of Success


Betrayed by his brothers as a boy, abused by his master and let down by those close to him, he keeps on smiling, helping others, and eventually saves the world! What is his secret?

Vayishlach: The Master Solution


What trait can help us become close to G-d, reach a deep understanding of the Torah, improve our personal and work relationships, and contribute to every facet of life?

Vayetzei: The Reasons for Antisemitism


From the time of Laban the Aramaean, to Haman and Ahasuerus, and all the way down the the present, we have suffered from antisemites who attempt to harm us. Why do they hate us? And how should we respond?

Toldot: Isaac’s Legacy


Our forefather Abraham introduced the concept of monotheism and hospitality. Jacob's legacy was the 12 tribes of Israel. But what was Isaac's legacy?

Chayei Sarah: The Historic Match


Abraham sent his servant Eliezer to find a wife for his son Isaac. When Eliezer arrived at his destination he prayed to G-d and was promptly answered. A comparison with prayers of Moses and King Solomon reveals that Eliezer the servant was answered quicker. Why?

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