Nasó: Seja Inteligente e Se Desculpe!

Subido el: May 29, 2023

D'us advertiu a Adam que ele morreria se comesse da Árvore do Conhecimento. No entanto, ele viveu até a idade avançada de 930! O que aconteceu? E como isto estava ligado ao Tabernáculo no deserto?

Part 1: The Silver Bowl

This week’s Torah portion tells us about the offerings of the Tribe leaders during the inauguration of the Tabernacle, and Rashi explains how each offering represented a significant event in Jewish history (source 1).

However, the Rebbe asks, one offering seems out of place: the silver bowl representing Adam’s 930-year lifespan. What exactly was its message?

Part 2: Adam’s Regret

Going back to the story of Adam’s life, we read about the Sin of the Tree of Knowledge (source 2).

The Rebbe points out that although he was warned that he would die on the day he ate from the tree, he lived a long life. What changed? We see from the events that followed that Adam demonstrated regret. He was granted long life in merit of his teshuva.

Part 3: The Message

This story teaches us about the immense power of repentance.

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